
“Lynchburg Circulating Library Rules and Regulations” from Manuscript Collection 1431

Gifts and Acquisitions Policies

Use of Facilities

The Library facility is available for use by registered 501(c)3 non-profits in the Lynchburg area during hours when the library is not open to the public.  Inquire with staff for availability and fees.

Use of Collection Materials

As a special library, Jones Memorial Library materials and collections do not circulate (no check-out).  Materials in open access or non-restricted status may be used by patrons while in the Reading Room.  

Cultural heritage organizations interested in borrowing JML materials on a temporary basis for exhibit display or teaching purposes should contact the Executive Director to request a loan of materials.  Requests may be granted on a case-by-case basis, and only with written permission of the Executive Director.   Borrowing institutions are responsible for securing adequate insurance coverage and must comply with Library standards for materials care, transport, and limitations on access or handling.

Photocopies, Photographs, & Flashdrives

Jones Memorial Library charges minimal fees for photocopying and reproductions.  Inquire with staff for current fees.

Materials that are not fragile, rare, or restricted may be photocopied or scanned by staff in accordance with fair use under U.S. copyright law.  Patrons are responsible for paying any photocopying fees.  Patrons are not permitted to photocopy materials; staff will photocopy items for patrons. For large items such as architectural plans and maps, the Library coordinates the reproduction process and assesses a fee to coverage reproduction and handling.  Patrons may not make their own arrangements for reproduction or copying. 

Patrons may photograph open access materials using non-flash photography; check with staff for permission.   

Patrons may save microfilmed records on a USB flashdrive in accordance with fair use under U.S. copyright law.  Check with staff for permission.

Copyright and Publication

Library patrons are responsible for proper citation of library materials.  

The Library operates as a fair use educational institution.  Patrons are responsible for ensuring that their use of library materials conforms with U.S. copyright laws, donor restrictions, and other applicable regulations or laws.

Requests to re-print or reproduce materials, in part or in whole, must be made in writing to the library director (director@jmlibrary.org). Requests should include citations for the exact resource(s). Permission is granted on a case-by-case basis.